CBD and Pickleball: How CBD Can Help Improve Your Game – Muscle MX
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CBD and Pickleball: How CBD Can Help Improve Your Game
CBD Topical
Sports Injury
Sports Performance
Sports Recovery

CBD and Pickleball: How CBD Can Help Improve Your Game

Racket sports like pickleball are fun and engaging and require a high level of physical coordination. With the increasing popularity and competitiveness of the sport, pickleball players are looking for new ways to improve their performance. As is the case with most sporting activities, extensive training can enhance a pickleball player's gameplay and technique. However, prolonged and regular practice sessions can take their toll on the human body. That extra physical stress can negatively impact an athlete's progress and overall well-being, especially when players aren't proactive about managing their physical symptoms. This is where CBD and pickleball meet. Cannabidiol (CBD) is emerging as a game-changer for helping pickleball players reach their peak performance. There are many Muscle MX CBD products that athletes can use to their advantage. Here is some insight into the top uses of CBD products for pickleball players.

CBD and Pickleball

CBD Balms: Activate and Recovery

Pickleball players need to warm up and stretch before a practice or match to loosen their tight muscles. A proper warm-up helps to lower the risk of sports-related injuries. Athletes can also help kick start their tendons, ligaments, muscles, and joints by using Muscle MX's powerful CBD Activate Heating Balm. To use the balm, apply the desired amount to the affected area and rub it in. Repeat the process after four-six hours if necessary. The all-natural advanced heating formula comprises essential oils and wide-spectrum CBD oil. The essential oils include:
  • Caffeine oil
  • Camphor oil
  • Menthol crystals
  • Eucalyptus oil
  • Vitamin E
  • Arnica Montana extract
  • Peppermint oil
  • Beeswax
  • Grapeseed oil
The topical balm is engineered to leave a warming sensation by stimulating blood flow to the point of application. CBD for sports pain is designed to be deeply penetrating and offers short and long-term relief from discomfort and inflammation. This beneficial property improves a pickleball player's mobility before matches, which helps lower the risk of injury and gives the body a competitive edge. Pickleball athletes with sports-related injuries can use Muscle MX CBD Recovery Cooling Balm to enhance healing. Apply it topically following the same directions of use as the CBD Activate Heating Balm. This product combines the power of CBD oil, tea tree, menthol, and eucalyptus to achieve deep-seated relief in the applied area. This Muscle MX CBD product for sports injury enhances the healing process by providing a cooling sensation to the affected tendons, joints, and muscles. Pickleball players are highly encouraged to add the CBD Recovery Balm to their recovery program.

Muscle MX Restore Lotion

The Muscle MX CBD Restore Lotion is a revolutionary multipurpose product. It moisturizes the skin and replenishes depleted oils by using hyaluronic acid and nano-silver technology. The result is often soft and supple skin. CBD Restore Lotion also has healing properties that help treat minor cuts, blisters, scrapes, and bruises common in pickleball matches. This product has additional antimicrobial properties that prevent the invasion of disease-causing organisms through the injury site. Muscle MX’s unique proprietary formulation also provides relief for pain and inflammation. Apply around the strained joint, muscle, tendon, or ligament for instant relief.

CBD Drops

Pickleball players can enjoy the best CBD oil for sports recovery by taking a few CBD drops under the tongue. Consuming the CBD drops sublingually ensures faster absorption into the bloodstream as the CBD acts on the endocannabinoid receptors throughout the body. Athletes can take a dropper full of CBD oil before a training session to keep their muscles, tendons, and joints relaxed during the entire workout. CBD is long-acting and can aid with the initial recovery process after a tough practice or match. Taking CBD drops after an intense game keeps potential inflammation at bay and ensures players are back on the court in record time.

CBD Gummies

An excellent and tasty CBD option for sports and exercise recovery is CBD gummies. Muscle MX's CBD gummies use all-natural flavors and ingredients without any added sugars or THC. These yummy treats and other edibles allow pickleball players to subtly enjoy the revitalizing benefits of CBD. CBD gummies aren’t as fast-acting as CBD oil, but once the body processes them, an athlete can experience long-lasting relief. Taking CBD gummies during a match helps manage performance anxiety by inducing calmness. And taking gummies before bed helps ensure that athletes get to enjoy blissful and rejuvenating sleep after an intense pickleball match. Achieving adequate and quality sleep dramatically impacts a player’s overall performance. Proper sleep enables the body to work to the best of its ability, improve stamina, and reduce early fatigue. The intense rallies in pickleball tournaments require great endurance. CBD can help players fall asleep quickly and stay asleep by stimulating serotonin receptors and cannabinol receptors (CB 1).

Choose Muscle MX for Your CBD Needs

CBD acts on various physiological systems of the human body, which is why its use is becoming increasingly popular in the sporting world. It is an excellent alternative to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, for athletes managing pain and inflammation. CBD also has excellent restorative properties that are sure to enhance the recovery of injured pickleball athletes. Muscle MX offers top-of-the-line CBD balms, drops, lotions, gummies, salves, and creams for any athlete seeking to elevate their game. Product Links: Activate Heating Balm Recovery Cooling Blam CBD Drops Restore Lotion CBD Gummies

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