CBD for Sports Hernia – Muscle MX
CBD for Sports Hernia
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CBD for Sports Hernia

If you’re an athlete, then you’re almost definitely more than aware of the various ways in which the body can become injured as a result of engaging in athletic exertion. One of the most painful types of injuries that an athlete can experience is a sports hernia, which affects the pelvic region of the body.

There are various ways to treat a sports hernia, which are largely based on the severity of the injury. As we take a closer look into sports hernias in order to understand why they occur, how they’re typically diagnosed and what the symptoms are, we can then attempt to help you understand why CBD may be particularly useful.

What is a Sports Hernia?

One thing that’s important to know about a sports hernia is that it is not, in fact, a hernia. The reason why it’s called a sports hernia is because the symptoms are very similar, and the same area of the body is affected.

A sports hernia is also called “athletic pubalgia”. It’s the result of an injury to the pelvic area of the body, in which the tendons that are attached to the pelvis become torn. The result is potentially intense pain that requires medical attention. <Source>

What Causes a Sports Hernia?

The reason why this type of injury is called a “sports hernia” comes from the fact that it most commonly affects athletes. This is because the injury results from twisting the pelvis in a way that damages the tendons. Twisting the pelvis in such a way is unusual unless the person is an athlete. Types of sports that require this motion include soccer, dance, skiing and running.

A sports hernia can occur as a result of a singular explosive movement or can be caused by the repetitive twisting of the pelvis. The tendons that connect the pelvis to the abdominal muscles are uniquely vulnerable and are therefore injured fairly easily.

What are Symptoms of a Sports Hernia?

A sports hernia will cause pain in the groin area, and the pain will be centralized to the pelvis. But the pain can radiate to the lower abdominal muscles as well as the obliques, and in rarer cases, affect the muscles of the thighs as well.

Typically, the pain caused by a sports hernia will be worse during moments of activity than moments of rest. Plus, any moment that twists the pelvic region will cause the pain to become worse.

How is a Sports Hernia Diagnosed?

It’s important to seek medical attention for a sports hernia, or else the sufferer can cause further damage to the tendons, which are now extremely vulnerable. During a medical evaluation, a doctor will first want to rule out an actual hernia, as the symptoms are extremely similar. He or she will test your range of motion, ask you questions about your history to determine when the injury occurred, and feel around the area to examine the muscles. They may also wish to use X-rays, ultrasounds, or MRIs in order to examine the tendons and muscles, as these diagnostic methods can actually show the damage.

How is a Sports Hernia Treated?

Treating a sports hernia is absolutely possible, but the method of treatment depends on a number of factors such as the severity of the pain and the extent of the damage. Also, because sports hernias typically affect athletes, the athlete must determine how much downtime they can afford given the demands of their career in sports.

Less serious sports hernias in which only mild damage is present may be able to be remedied by rest and the use of anti-inflammatories to heal the inflammation throughout the area. Icing may also be required to enable healing.

For more severe cases, surgery may be required. Tendons that are severely torn may not be able to simply heal on their own and require surgical intervention. Various methods may be used to reattach the tendons as well as any ligaments and soft tissue that has been damaged.

In some cases, a sports hernia can cause damage to the nerve which could cause permanent pain long after the actual injury has been healed. The nerve affected by a sports hernia is the inguinal nerve. If this nerve remains painful, it may be surgically severed so that the pain can be relieved.

Can CBD Aid in Treating a Sports Hernia?

CBD is a cannabinoid, which means that it binds with cannabinoid receptors in the body to promote regulatory actions that allow the body to reach homeostasis. Cannabinoid receptors in the musculoskeletal system may help regulate pain in a holistic manner.

Studies have been done on CBD and pain, and enough research exists that demonstrates that the compound offers both anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that can be extremely useful. In fact, researchers have found that CBD may be able to help heal pain when more traditional methods are not effective enough.

The pain caused by a sports hernia can lead to inflammation, in which the area becomes extremely swollen and tender as part of the body’s instinctive healing process. As a potential anti-inflammatory, CBD may be able to reduce inflammation of the area to promote faster and more thorough healing.

And, with analgesic properties, CBD may be able to actually disrupt pain signals in the nerves that send messages to pain receptors in the brain.

Would CBD Help with a Sports Hernia Injury When Applied Topically?

One thing that we know about CBD is that applying it topically can potentially promote relief through transdermal mechanisms. Cannabinoid receptors in the musculoskeletal system can receive more concentrated, localized doses of cannabidiol when applied directly to the affected area. This is why the CBD topical market has become so popular in recent years.

Interestingly, it seems that CBD is uniquely efficient when it comes to absorbing through the skin. Many who use CBD topicals for pain claim that the effects take place within minutes, and last for several hours at a time.

How Can I Use CBD for a Sports Hernia?

If you’re dealing with a sports hernia and wish to use CBD in an effort to relieve the pain, it’s important that you recognize that this type of injury can be serious and requires medical attention. In other words, if you suspect that you have a sports hernia, you should see your doctor rather than relying solely on cannabidiol in an effort to treat the issue.

During your medical visit, you should ask your doctor whether or not they recommend using CBD. Make sure that they’re aware of your symptoms, medical history and current medications. Once these things are taken into account, then they could help you come up with the best routine.

It’s imperative that you seek out high-quality CBD, as the market can be hit or miss in this area. Choose a company that offers third-party lab reports, as this is a good way to prove the quality and purity of a particular hemp product.

Make sure that you choose a milligram strength that accurately reflects the severity of your condition. We recommend that you use CBD at least once a day, because CBD has a cumulative effect and seems to be the most effective when it’s administered daily.

Sports Hernias Can Cause Debilitating Pain

And from an athletic perspective, can interfere with training and performance to the point that an athlete has to take time off from their passion. Good news is that sports hernias are treatable. If you would like to use CBD in an effort to manage the pain, speak to your doctor and consider going the topical route in order to deliver a concentrated dose of cannabidiol directly to the area.

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