CBD for Treating Hyperextension – Muscle MX
CBD for Treating Hyperextension
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CBD for Treating Hyperextension

Of all of the different ways in which we can injure a joint, hyperextension has the potential to bring about some of the worst pain. Furthermore, it can range from mild to severe, and in the most severe cases require surgery. Most people who are prone to hyperextension injuries are athletes, but this type of injury can occur in any form of daily life. Now, the relationship between CBD and hyperextension pain can determine whether not hemp has the potential to play a role in treating this condition.

What is Hyperextension?

The joints of the body each have a range of motion as well as a range of extension. The range of motion refers to the directions in which the joints can go, and how far, while the range of extension relates to how much a joint can be extended until it’s damaged. Hyperextension is the result of extending a joint further than it can go, which results in injury. Hyperextension can happen in any joint, and when it does, the tissue surrounding the joint will become damaged in some way. In minor cases, the surrounding muscular tissue may become inflamed. In more severe cases, ligaments can become so damaged that surgery is required, as they cannot heal on their own. The most common joints that can be affected by hyperextension are the knees, elbows, fingers, neck, shoulders, and ankles. These are all areas that we repeatedly straighten throughout the day and straightening them excessively can cause this type of injury to occur. There are some common telltale signs of a hyperextension injury:
  • Hearing a popping sound or feel a cracking sensation within the joint.
  • The joint immediately becomes painful to the touch, and moving the joint exacerbates this pain.
  • One’s range of motion may suddenly become limited and stretching the joint may feel impossible.
  • Swelling around the joint is also common as inflammation takes place, along with bruising.

What Causes Hyperextension?

Hyperextension is, in simple terms, caused by hyperextension of the joints, which can happen at any time as a result of a wide range of factors. But there are instances which put a person more at risk of this kind of injury. Hyperextension injuries are particularly common among athletes, who exert themselves physically. This type of injury can occur in training as well as during an actual athletic performance. Athletes may overextend their joints in an attempt to push themselves as far as possible or win a game, not recognizing the risks associated with this type of motion. Those who practice yoga are uniquely prone to the condition, which isn’t too surprising. Those engaging in a yoga practice are often hyperextending areas of the body in an attempt to complete a pose, and many push themselves farther than their joints will actually allow. Those who have particularly weak muscles are at a heightened risk of hyperextension. Lacking muscular strength causes the area to overcompensate by putting pressure on the joints to complete a motion. An example would be carrying a heavy bag. Rather than relying on muscle mass to handle the weight, the shoulder joint hyperextends to meet the demands. Also, someone who already has an injured joint is at risk of hyperextension injuries, as the joint may be weak and more prone to injury in general.

What are the Effects of Hyperextension?

Mainly, hyperextension results in pain. If it’s severe and untreated, it can worsen, causing the joint tissue to degrade, which can lead to serious consequences as a person may lose mobility of that joint.

How is Hyperextension Treated?

Hyperextension is treated according to the severity of the condition. Milder injuries can be successfully treated by applying ice or heat, or a combination of both, and taking some form of an anti-inflammatory medication to heal the inflammation surrounding the joint. In the event that a ligament is damaged, or there is a severe tear in the tissue, medical intervention is required. If you find that the pain is severe, that you can’t properly move your joint or that the swelling is extreme, you’ll want to see a doctor as soon as possible. From that point, your doctor will determine what needs to be done. He or she may prescribe a stronger medication, suggest surgery, or prescribe physical therapy.

Can CBD Help with Hyperextension?

Hyperextension is, in most cases, an inflammatory injury, meaning that no permanent damage has been done to the joint and the tissue surrounding it. This means that in these cases, simple self-care may be effective, along with an anti-inflammatory that can bring down the swelling and speed up the healing process. And, that’s where CBD comes in. CBD is cannabidiol, and it’s the main chemical compound found in the hemp plant’s flowers. It’s a cannabinoid, which is a type of compound that’s unique to the cannabis genus to which hemp belongs. Cannabinoids are highly fascinating compounds because of how they interact with the body. Throughout the body are cannabinoid receptors which make up the body’s endocannabinoid system, that is in charge of regulating bodily processes so that a person may experience homeostasis. Cannabinoid receptors are found in every system, organ and tissue of the body, and they require cannabinoid administration to regulate individual processes. Joints and muscles have cannabinoid receptors, and these receptors are tasked with regulating the function of the tissue and regulating inflammation levels. Therefore, CBD may potentially be used as an anti-inflammatory if there is inflammation in these areas of the body, according to studies. At this point, we’ve seen ample amounts of studies showing that cannabidiol may play a role in reducing inflammation of the joints and muscles, especially when applied topically for transdermal absorption. Topical CBD may be the best bet, according to researchers, because it supplies concentrated doses of CBD directly to the affected area. We now know that cannabinoids absorb through the skin very efficiently and quickly, which allows us to target particular areas of the body with this type of treatment. In other words, it may be more efficient to apply CBD directly to the hyperextended area than take it internally, which would disperse the cannabinoids evenly throughout the body rather than concentrating on the injured area in particular. Another thing that we know about cannabidiol is that it offers analgesic properties thanks to its ability to regulate the function of pain receptors in the brain, as well as the overall nervous system. This means that CBD may potentially numb pain while the injury heals.

How Should CBD Be Used for Hyperextension?

If you’re dealing with hyperextension, follow these tips below.

Tip #1: Speak to Your Doctor

First, you should always talk to your doctor before attempting to treat a condition with cannabidiol, or anything else for that matter. He or she will take into consideration your individual medical needs and current treatment plan to determine the best way to go about it.

Tip #2: Go for Quality

It’s always important to buy your CBD from a company that makes high-quality products, as the range of quality throughout the CBD industry can be quite enormous. Choose from a company that has their hemp lab-tested by a third party, as indicated on their website.

Tip #3: Choose an Appropriate Milligram Strength

Make sure that you opt for a milligram strength based on the pain level that you are experiencing. Higher milligram strengths are more potent.

Tip #4: Be Consistent

It’s ideal to take CBD daily, or even twice a day at the recommendation of your doctor, if you are hoping to treat something specific.

Muscle MX CBD Products: Great for Hyperextension

We at Muscle MX have developed a wide range of high-quality CBD-infused topicals specifically for athletes and those dealing with athletic-related injuries. Therefore, our particular products may be uniquely useful for those who are experiencing an injury caused by hypertension. We combine lab-tested, organic hemp extract with the finest natural ingredients known to offer useful properties when applied topically to the body.

Hyperextension Can Be Extremely Painful, but It’s Treatable

If you’re dealing with this type of injury, we recommend that you talk to your doctor about incorporating CBD into your treatment routine. Check out the topical CBD products at Muscle MX if you’re looking for a formula geared toward this specific type of pain.

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